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Showing posts from April, 2020

Stroke exercises you need to know

Choosing which stroke exercises to include in your stroke rehabilitation program depends on what symptoms you are experiencing and what area of the brain was damaged by your stroke. When an area of the brain suffers oxygen deprivation for an extended period that is called a cerebrovascular accident, CVA or commonly called a stroke. After a stroke the issues that may be experienced by the survivor are related to how much of the brain was damaged and what area of the brain was affected. A vitally important component of post stroke recovery is stroke exercises . Ground breaking scientific research about stroke recovery and the brain has shown a process called 'neuroplasticity'. This word is a combination of the words neurology (the brain and nervous system) and plasticity (in this case soft and moldable). So this basically means the brain is an ever changing structure or organ. It is not set in stone, rigid or fixed. This finding supports nicely what we in the rehab...

Sonography and its growing demand in healthcare

A specialist in sonography is often referred to as a diagnostic medical sonographer or an sonography technician. When a healthcare professional performs sonography on a patient, they use a machine that consists of a computer, a transducer, and a cord that connects the two. The transducer is placed on the body and subsequently sends sound waves into the body. These sound waves are reflected by tissues and received back by the transducer. The transducer converts the waves into electrical signals which are then sent to the computer for interpretation. The computer processes the signals and creates the image that we see on the monitor. No use of ionizing radiation There are a few very good reasons for the growing popularity of sonography in medicine. First, sonography does not use ionizing radiation to create images. This greatly reduces the amount of risk that patients and healthcare professionals are exposed to when imaging procedures are performed. Imaging procedures such a...

Tips for Making the Right Choice of Tent

There used to be a time when choosing a tent was a simple matter. A tent is basically a piece of canvas held in shape and supported by tent poles. But not anymore. The range and number of styles of tent have exploded, with many different shapes, sizes and materials now available, making it difficult to choose a tent to suit your needs. This article will discuss these factors and look at some consideration needed to be borne in mind when choosing a tent. Size The size of the tent is one of the most basic factors to be taken into consideration. If you are going camping with a party of people, then it might be a choice of whether a group of people will share the tent, or whether people will sleep separately. It also depends on the weather and other conditions likely to be experienced. If the conditions are likely to be harsh, then smaller tents, such as the rigid one-person version, might be appropriate. If weather conditions are likely to be gentle, a larger but less rigid...

Looking for a treatment for piles (also known as hemorrhoids)?

These are the veins that can become swollen and painful in the bodily regions of your anus and the lower part of your rectum. Hemorrhoids are a common condition, especially tending to occur during or temporarily after pregnancy. They also commonly happen for both men and women if too much straining occurs during bowel movements. The pressure that this strain puts on the veins of the region causes the swelling and pain, especially when you are sitting down and thus putting additional pressure on them, making you long for a treatment for piles. Causes of Hemorrhoids Besides straining during bowel movements, constipation is another common cause of hemorrhoids, and sitting for too long can also exacerbate the problem. Constipation can cause straining, and so can diarrhoea. Being overweight or obese can also contribute to the problem and add to the need for a treatment for piles. Hemorrhoids are also more likely with age as supporting tissues s...